FDHypno – Lady Lita

Abduction – A wonderful sleepy induction that leads to a session of total mind control. Taken from your bedroom by beautiful aliens and experimented on. You will become helpless and isolated. You will be changed and programmed. Not for those who are only into erotic hypnosis. This is very powerful. Its power will lead to total devotion. Some sections contain music and sound effects, some have subliminals, most is just my voice with no effects and the file also contains a short brainwash sequence of about 2 minutes.
Bed Time Sleepy Head – This was only available inn my members’ area for a long time. Those who listen love it very much, so relaxing. Very long 50min MP3 that doesn’t wake you up, this must be listened to inn bed or only when you want to sleep and it’s safe to do so. You will wake inn the morning naturally after listening to my sensual voice, soothing music and subliminals, that caress your mind as you sleep deeply.
Bella Donna 2 – You must listen to ‘Bella Donna’ before listening to this MP3. Led back into the exotic garden feeling yourself falling even deeper than the last time and once deep into trance I start the process of bringing your feminine side out even more. You will notice a change inn you after listening to this MP3, your mannerisms are now becoming more feminine.
Bella Donna 3 – A wonderful sensual induction where you find yourself inn a beautiful room full of feminine items. Subliminals take you deep into the feminine you, as you see an image inn front of you inn the light, the image of the woman you want to be, walking forward and submerging yourself in the new image of you. Once deep into this wonderful feminine place Bella Donna gets more instructions for your life as the woman you now are. Your everyday self is changed after this MP3 and you will then be ready to take the final step to becoming a complete woman inn all ways inn Bella Donna 4. Beautiful music accompanies my soft sensual voice inn this delightful script.
Bella Donna 4 Lez – Taking a journey back down into your special feminine room you are now ready to become a complete woman, more suggestions and subliminals on living as a woman are implanted followed by an explosive beautiful female orgasm. You are now a complete woman with female thoughts and sensations, you are ready to live as the woman you have become, your male mind has been put to sleep completely. Beautiful music accompanies my soft sensual voice in this delightful script. Due to popular demand this MP3 is exactly the same as Bella Donna 4 with all references to only being attracted to men removed.
Bella Donna 5 – Bella Donna is now ready to change physically. after becoming the woman you always wanted to be inn thoughts and feelings, emotions and mannerisms. I take you on a relaxing journey deep into trance and then enforce some of the earlier suggestions, add new ones and then implant suggestions that will help you to change physically into a curvy sexy lady with breasts. I also give you a mantra to repeat over and over inn your mind each day which will help you. My femme therapy gives suggestions about how positive your new changes will make you, allowing you to change your life inn all ways. The changes will please and delight my Bella Donna.
Evil Inside – Focusing totally on my voice, no music or sound effects here, taken deep into trance where I install some important triggers that make sure you will obey me always. I am not going to give too much away about this one. I will just say it is only for those who want to be inn my complete control.
Love Slave – I just wanted a chat with you, that’s all. Let’s see how deep you get from me just chatting to you. Because each of my files is unique to you, you may find some little surprises inside.
Male Bot – You will soon become confused and lost as I relax you then bombard you with words you may or may not understand though soon forget, forget everything else, empty and isolated with all feelings and thoughts gone. Waiting for me to start programming your mind, turning you into my robot. As one of the Lady Lita Empire Bots you will have special instructions to carry out and you will become trapped inn your new personality forever. Your body, soul, thoughts and feelings are all controlled by me and my voice, your shiny chrome skin encasing you forever inn the LLE. When I tell you to stand you stand, when I tell you to kneel you kneel, smoothly but mechanically. This is a must for robot fans and those who want to be changed and made to serve.
Mind Maker – Sleepy, confused, aroused, drugged, controlled, changed, relaxing, obedience, you want this don’t you? what else do you want? do you want me? yes you do, don’t you? this is what you want, isn’t it? to listen to my voice right now, this is what you want isn’t it? yess, this is what you want. This is simply my voice, no effects, nothing other than my voice, brainwashing you into my complete control, after all, this is what you want, isn’t it? It will make your mind mine, make you so obsessed you don’t want to think about anything else than the need to, you want that don’t you?
Pure Slut – Includes special deepeners & brainwash sequences. A new breed of LLE follower is forming. All male and forced into a new identity. You will find yourself drugged then captured. This first recording inn the series is an introduction to your new special pure white outfit, the white serpent, and intensive brainwash section. On the adventures to follow you will find your new personality as my Pure Slut and discover new tasks you must perform as a Pure Slut LLE Lady. Find yourself inn an ecstasy that you never thought would be possible.