HumiliationPOV – Jerk To What A Failure You Are – Whisper Brainwashing

This hyp n0 t!c file is filled with layers upon layers of whispers in the background reminding you just how fucking pathetic you are. These whispers are some of the most degrading words you will ever hear and they will constantly remind you of how pathetic you truly are and you will never get them out of your head.
Put your cock in your hand and stroke. That’s all you want to do anyway. Stroke for me. You’re pathetic. Stroke while you listen. You disgust me. Stroke while you breathe. Stroke while my whispers pull you deeper. Deeper and deeper. You’re a fucking loser. You’re a failure. Deeper and deeper. You know what you are you filthy fuck. Down, down into the dark.
You like jerking while you’re reminded of what a loser you are, don’t you? It must be so hard living with yourself knowing what a pathetic jerkoff you are. That must get exhausting, jerking to what a failure you are. Look how much you fucking love this. You’re so fucking pathetic. You know what you are. I can’t even begin to tell you at how disgusted I am by how much you fucking love this. You need to eroticize your failures, otherwise how would you cope? Such a weak, helpless failed human being you are.
You know that deep down this is the truth. Look at yourself right now. You’re a failure stroking to how pathetic you truly are. Stroke to what a loser you are, it gets you so hard. How pathetic are you? Stroke to it. Stroke to how pathetic you are. I know you love it. Jerk as you hear my whispers slipping deep inside your brain. Washing over you. I don’t want you to forget for one second what a fucking failure you are.
You’ve always known what a failure you are as a human being. You know what you are. And instead of doing something about it, it makes you jerk. You’re fucking ridiculous. I can’t believe how much this turns you on. It’s pitiful. And even though you know this, here you are stroking to it again. You love it, it feels good, doesn’t it? You’re a failure.
Does it make you want to cum? I know it does. Look at you, look how much you want this. What does that say about you, you filthy fucking failure? You’re so fucking pathetic. You disgust me on the deepest of levels. You’re a waste of a man. You know that, don’t you? I want you to cum while you’re being reminded over and over again of what a failure you are. It will forever cement this in your brain.